21 августа 2013Игры
Обновлено 26.05.2014

Японская пресс-конференция Sony пройдет 9 сентября

Компания Sony, не включившая Японию в список стран запуска консоли PlayStation 4, объявила о проведении отдельной пресс-конференции на своей исторической родине. Она пройдет 9 сентября, за две недели до начала Tokyo Game Show 2013. В ее рамках Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia обнародует планы по запуску PlayStation 4 на японском рынке.

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"Others have shifted their message and changed their story," Andrew House zinged during Sony's press conference on Tuesday, and you can forgive him, Shuhei Yoshida and Mark Cerny for enjoying their position a little after years of mishap with PS3. If I were them, though, I would be drawing up bus posters with "£349" written on them, rather than joking about how Microsoft has had to learn a harsh lesson in public - something that only a small subset of people in their addressable market care about, and largely people who have already pre-ordered PS4. http://www.eurogamer.net/artic...