There Is No Light претендует на шесть наград Indie Cup S'20
Этим летом на традиционный кубок Indie Cup S’20 претендовало 123 независимых игры. Организаторы разделили участников летнего сезона по десяти основным категориям.
Рекордсмен по числу номинаций - приключенческий боевик There Is No Light. Игра претендует на шесть наград из десяти категорий.
Жюри (в число которого входит ваш покорный слуга Сергей Сурепин) уже завершило голосование. Победители кубка станут известны 10 сентября.
Лучшая ПК-игра
- Ami (LightHouse Studio)
- Anomaly Hunter (Hook Games)
- Beyond The Thaw (Payara Games)
- Demon Skin (Ludus Future)
- Despot’s Game (Konfa Games)
- Gripper (Octobox Interactive)
- Knock on the Coffin Lid (RedBoon)
- Mechanic 8230 (Nudiventra)
- Offside Legends (Team Serpico)
- Pathogenesis: Overcome (269th Lab Games Softworks)
- Sayri: The Beginning (Vidloonnya Reborn)
- Spark in the Dark (Stellar Fish)
- The Emperor’s Own (Volga Studios)
- The Uncertain: Light at the End (ComonGames)
- There Is No Light (Zelart)
- Tiny Island (Spry Games)
- VoidTrain (NEARGA)
- Whateverland (Caligari Games)
Выбор стримеров
- Despot’s Game (Konfa Games)
- Gripper (Octobox Interactive)
- Hand In Hand (Max Media)
- Mechanic 8230 (Nudiventra)
- Plague M.D. (CosCom Art Group)
- Sayri: The Beginning (Vidloonnya Reborn)
- Spark in the Dark (Stellar Fish)
- The Emperor’s Own (Volga Studios)
- There Is No Light (Zelart)
- Undercat (Sparky Tail Games)
- VoidTrain (NEARGA)
- Whateverland (Caligari Games)
Выбор критиков
- Ami (LightHouse Studio)
- Anomaly Hunter (Hook Games)
- Despot’s Game (Konfa Games)
- Gripper (Octobox Interactive)
- Knock on the Coffin Lid (RedBoon)
- Offside Legends (Team Serpico)
- Pathogenesis: Overcome (269th Lab Games Softworks)
- Running Rogue (VSMOB)
- Sayri: The Beginning (Vidloonnya Reborn)
- Spark in the Dark (Stellar Fish)
- Stickman Archer (BYRIL)
- The Last Shot (Rumata Lab)
- There Is No Light (Zelart)
- VoidTrain (NEARGA)
- Whateverland (Caligari Games)
Лучшая мобильная игра
- 11th Kingdom (Sam Sebe Indie)
- Astro Pets Football (Artyom Bayankin)
- Budge Up (Play! Chocolate)
- ChillBus (Valiant Light)
- ColBox — Fix & Tap (Andrey Melikhov)
- DJ Electro (Eugene Kirichenko)
- Dragonberg (Normal Studio)
- Endurance (Ivan Panasenko)
- Implicit War (Plitka Games)
- Isorama (Sierua)
- Kinda Heroes (Hippo Games)
- Pixvader (Nrjwolf)
- Plague M.D. (CosCom Art Group)
- Sit Idle (Broken Wheel Software)
- Space Escape (Mint Fox Games)
- Stickman Archer (BYRIL)
- SupFly (Koro Games)
- Taravana (Heatherglade)
Лучший арт-дизайн
- Almost My Floor (Potata Company)
- Ami (LightHouse Studio)
- BattleBeasts (Oleg Shestoperov)
- Hand In Hand (Max Media)
- Knock on the Coffin Lid (RedBoon)
- Mechanic 8230 (Nudiventra)
- Offside Legends (Team Serpico)
- Sayri: The Beginning (Vidloonnya Reborn)
- Spotted (Koro Games)
- The Emperor’s Own (Volga Studios)
- The Uncertain: Light at the End (ComonGames)
- There Is No Light (Zelart)
Лучший звук
- Against The Moon (Code Heretic)
- Ami (LightHouse Studio)
- Demon Skin (Ludus Future)
- Endurance (Ivan Panasenko)
- Gripper (Octobox Interactive)
- Mechanic 8230 (Nudiventra)
- Plague M.D. (CosCom Art Group)
- Sayakat (Grimwood Team)
- Sayri: The Beginning (Vidloonnya Reborn)
- Shieldary (Ikle Pro)
- There Is No Light (Zelart)
- Undercat (Sparky Tail Games)
- VoidTrain (NEARGA)
- Whateverland (Caligari Games)
Лучший мультиплеер
- Against The Moon (Code Heretic)
- BattleBeasts (Oleg Shestoperov)
- Call of Myth (Kadatyh Studio)
- «Мёртвая родина» (Deklazon)
- Elteria Adventures (Elteria Team)
- Noch (Fair Games Studio)
- Offside Legends (Team Serpico)
- Sign of Silence (Renderise)
- Stickman Archer (BYRIL)
- Veliri (TrashPony)
Лучшая казуальная игра
- 11th Kingdom (Sam Sebe Indie)
- Astro Pets Football (Artyom Bayankin)
- ColBox — Fix & Tap (Andrey Melikhov)
- DJ Electro (Eugene Kirichenko)
- Dragonberg (Normal Studio)
- HITBOXING (Koro Games)
- Isorama (Sierua)
- Space Storm: Asteroids Attack (Cap & Bells)
- SupFly (Koro Games)
Лучшая игра на Unreal Engine
- 41 Hours (Texelworks)
- BattleBeasts (Oleg Shestoperov)
- Beyond The Thaw (Payara Games)
- Demon Skin (Ludus Future)
- DJ Electro (Eugene Kirichenko)
- Gun Road (Bread Games)
- Knight Minder (Otherside Bay)
- Noch (Fair Games Studio)
- Optic (Bad Parrot)
- Outcassum (Northgames)
- Pathogenesis: Overcome (269th Lab Games Softworks)
- Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism (Starni Games)
- The Emperor’s Own (Volga Studios)
- Tiny Island (Spry Games)
- Under Construction (FatPalm Games)
- Vilset (Another Reality)
- VoidTrain (NEARGA)
- Way of the Rolling Block (UDevLemon)
- What’s Wrong with Me? (Aliens Games)
Лучшая игра на Unity
- Ami (LightHouse Studio)
- Anomaly Hunter (Hook Games)
- Armored Head (Egor Rezenov)
- Boris the Rocket (
- Call of Myth (Kadatyh Studio)
- Decision 4: Red Daze (FlyAnvil)
- Despot’s Game (Konfa Games)
- Endurance (Ivan Panasenko)
- Hand In Hand (Max Media)
- Implicit War (Plitka Games)
- Knock on the Coffin Lid (RedBoon)
- Offside Legends (Team Serpico)
- Phogbound (Ratbird)
- Running Rogue (VSMOB)
- Sayakat (Grimwood Team)
- Spark in the Dark (Stellar Fish)
- Stickman Archer (BYRIL)
- Taravana (Heatherglade)
- The Last Shot (Rumata Lab)
- There Is No Light (Zelart)
- Today Is My Birthday (Wonder Games)
- Undercat (Sparky Tail Games)
- Whateverland (Caligari Games)